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Important Community Election!
The election period was extended. There’s still time to vote! *Online voting: Now until Tuesday, Sept. 3, 5:00 pm.

Voting is being held online. Call if you need help. 619-889-5626

Online Voting, open until Tuesday, Sept. 3, 5:00 pm.

It’s Easy As A-B-C!

1A – Determine your neighborhood: Where you live, own property, or a business. Use this map to confirm, if you are unsure.

1B – Prepare an ID: Use a scan or photo of a driver’s license or utility bill, showing your name and current address. (You can cover up personal info)

1C – Register online:
Complete the form. Upload a file (the copy of your ID). Submit form. 

2. To vote online (final days):  Until 5:00 pm on Sept 3.  After registering, you will receive an Electronic Ballot by email or text (SMS). Follow the instructions.  Call if you need help:  619-889-5626. 

In-Person Voting: Has closed. The online voting is easy! 

Results will be posted after 7:00 pm on Sept 3. 

Or email us:

Uptown For All supports the following Resident and Business Candidates to stand up for our Community: 

*After you register to vote online, you will receive an email with a link to vote.  

*Your ballot will have 1 or 2 resident candidates — only those in your neighborhood. 

*You may also vote for our 2 recommended business candidates, Stu McGraw and Tami Ratliffe. 

Find your neighborhood candidates below:

Hillcrest Candidates:
Lu Rehling
Mat Wahlstrom

Lu Rehling: I will advocate with decision-makers for residents and small businesses who want safe, desirable, and accessible neighborhoods while also promoting affordable housing, preserving historic structures, and welcoming all.
Mat Wahlstrom: As a renter in Hillcrest for 25 years and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I am dedicated to ensuring that our neighborhood remains livable, affordable and welcoming.

University Heights Candidate:
Matthew Driver

Matthew Driver: I am running for the University Heights seat because I see a city government pushing a development agenda that does not represent what our commuity at large wants.

Medical Complex Candidates:
Mary Brown
Matthew Brown

Mary Brown: I support a safer walking and biking environment, historic preservation, and thoughtful development. As a longtime resident and homeowner, I am committed to an “Uptown for All.” I will represent the voices of all Uptown residents, business owners and property owners.
Matthew Brown:

Bankers Hill Candidates:
Mike Singleton
John Barney

Mike Singleton: hasLived in Uptown for 48 years and been involved with MHBIA, HBA, Uptown Planners and Balboa Park Committee. I listen, analyze, suggest and calibrate my input for the benefit of the larger community.
John Barney brings a different perspective based on his 25 hears of living and working throughout the Uptown District. He recognizes the barriers to residents and businesses being successful and has practical solutions. A vote for him is a vote for a better Uptown experience.

Mission Hills Candidates:
Patty Ducey-Brooks
Mike Callaway

Patty Ducey-Brooks:I have been honored to represent the community as a previous board member of Uptown Planners and believe in smart growth that respects the character of established neighborhoods and partnerships between residents and developers.
Mike Callaway: My family has a long history in the Uptown neighborhoods and I would like to see that heritage protected through the preservation of that special quality you find when you know your neighbors and are part of the lives around you.

Middletown Candidate:
Dan Mullen

Dan Mullen: The Mayor and City Council are working to change and corrupt the very basic fabric of our neighborhoods. Our iconic and valued structure of living in harmony with our next door friends is at immediate risk at the hands of developers pressuring politicians for paybacks and back door deals. Examples are close at hand. Ash Street, Sports Arena, Ketttner Homeless Mega Center. Let’s gather save our City and reverse the strategy of burn and overbuild.

Business Candidates:
Stu McGraw
Tami Ratliffe

Stu McGraw: a lifelong volunteer,former boardmember and chair of uptown planners advocates for public facilities, community centers, parks, improved pedestrian infrastructure, multimodal mobility and traffic calming.
Tami Ratliffe:I stand before you once again, not because I desire the spotlight, but because I believe in the power of our community's voice—a voice that was silenced when your choice, a candidate duly elected, was overturned. Our city council and mayor, who claim to champion affordable housing, have instead chosen to shut down any public commentary that challenges their agenda. It’s clear they would rather line the pockets of developers than truly serve the people who have built this community. I am running (again) because I refuse to let them quash the voices of long-time residents like you and me. Our city deserves leaders who listen, who respect the democratic process, and who are committed to real, sustainable growth—not just growth that benefits a select few. Together, we can take back our city and ensure that every resident has a say in its future.

Please Vote & Inform Your Neighbors 

Register to vote now: 

Stand up for changes leading to truly affordable and appropriate housing developments, including fighting to stop or modify ill-conceived “mega-projects” currently being pushed through without community input or sufficient respect for community impacts. 

Your vote matters. You can have an impact, we need more voices of reason on Uptown Community Planning Group!
Help us to make our shared vision a reality: We need you AND your neighbors’ support.

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This volunteer group of residents and business owners have carefully identified the candidates who are proven advocates for our Uptown community.

They stand for responsible growth, traffic improvements, and good parks. They will support new projects that are compatible with our existing neighborhoods, and can enhance the community.

As individuals, we may not always agree on every issue. However, these endorsed candidates will always listen and work for developments and projects that are right for our neighborhoods. Please support us and come to the community meetings to have your voice heard!

● We don’t believe in just rubber-stamping plans or projects as proposed.
● We represent your concerns as residents and local business owners.
● We pay attention to details in the present and history from the past to avoid mistakes affecting our future.
● We counter dogmatism with pragmatism about change, growth, housing, parking, parks, and transportation.


  • As an all-volunteer organization, we rely on donations from supporters for our efforts.
  • You can be sure that 100% of all contributions go directly to web hosting, advertising, printing, and mailing — not overhead for personnel or office space.
  • Please consider making a donation through the PayPal link below, or by mailing a check payable to Uptown for All, 325 W Washington St #2251, San Diego, CA 92103.

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